NEW Strategic Organizational Member: Leader in Competency-Based Workforce Development

A Strategic Organizational Member supports the Alliance’s mission and vision and desires a well-equipped, knowledgeable, and skilled workforce for those working with or on behalf of infants, young children, and their families. A Strategic Organizational Member encourages, supports, and/or recommends that their staff earn Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement (I/ECMH-E®). A Strategic Organizational Member receives the following benefits:

●      Any member within the organization (who lives in a non-Alliance member state, territory, or country) can apply for Endorsement in the Alliance instance of EASy, with the registration fee waived. This does not include the processing fee.*

●      Two (2) participant spots for the Biennial RSC Symposium.

●      Four (4) participant spots for the in-person Annual Summit for Alliance Leaders; registration fee separate. *Unlimited participant spots at the virtual event.

●      One (1) curriculum review and validation as aligned with Competency Guidelines (beginning in 2025!).

●      Up to five (5) people added to the Alliance HQ & Leadership Basecamp Groups.

●      Invitation to attend the annual members' meeting (no voting rights on BOD).

●      One (1) subscription to the IMH Journal (electronic download).

For professionals who live in a non-Alliance state, they are required to have an individual membership in the Alliance, an AIMH, or the World Association for Infant Mental Health.

For professionals who leave the organization at any point in the Endorsement process, they can complete their Endorsement application and maintain Endorsement through renewal with the Alliance. Similarly, if the organization does not renew its Strategic Organizational Membership, the professional can complete their Endorsement application and maintain Endorsement through renewal with the Alliance.

Annual Cost: $15,000 per year per year for the organization (January 1 – December 31, 2025)

Optional Add-ons:

●      The organization may contract with the Alliance for additional Endorsement support, cohort-based processes, and/or training/technical assistance.

●      The organization can choose to bundle the Endorsement application processing fees into the organizational membership cost.

Note: Up to 3 Strategic Organizational Members will be accepted in 2025 as we pilot this exciting new membership option!